The Three P’s of Effective Communication

Want to know what the new buzz term on the streets is?

Hybrid normalcy.

It’s used to describe the next phase of workplace change the hybrid model – sometimes working from home, sometimes in the office. 

Yes, I’m sorry, more upheaval and change. However, what do you think remains constant?

The necessity to be an effective communicator.


Hi, I’m Tara Phillips a Public Speaking Trainer and Coach for professionals.

In today’s Tara’s Top Tips I’m going to share 3 communication essentials, what we need to succeed, regardless of the situation. And rather handily they all start with ‘P’:





But before I do that, I would like to tell you about a FREE, yes FREE TRAINING I am going to be giving on Thursday 20 May at 16.00 CET. I invite you to join me for Communication Boost. Be seen, heard and understood in virtual settings and beyond.

Why? I’ve noticed that for many, work-life remains a challenge and a frustration and I have presentation and meeting tools that I know will help, so I want to share them with you.

I basically want to help you feel better and do better at work by giving your communications a boost.

So sign up – click this link and I’ll see you on Thursday 20 May.


Now, where was I? Ah yes, the 3 P’s

First up, Preparation.  I hear it all the time ‘I’m way better if I just wing it’. WRONG! Business communication is about making things happen – and to do that you need to at the very least, get your message straight and choose the right structure & material to support it. And that doesn’t happen, with quality, on the fly.

My tip – build prep time into your agenda.  One client blocks 15 mins before a meeting to prepare and 10 mins after for feedback and follow up notes.  Another reserves an hour at the end of each day to prepare for the next day’s meetings and presentations.

As Aristotle said ‘well begun is half done’.


Second. Purpose.  It’s no wonder that Simon Sinek caught the imagination of millions with his ‘Start with Why’ TEDx talk and subsequent book.  If you want to get people on board with your idea, your work – you have to build a bridge for them by telling them the purpose. And yet so often I still see communication ‘Start with How’ or ‘Start with What’.

My tip. Whenever preparing for a meeting or presentation ask yourself why I am doing what I’m doing? what’s the purpose?’ And then ensure it’s in your communication. In order to finish with ‘yes’ – start with why.


And lastly, Practice.  We know that musicians need to practice before they give a show. That sports people need to practice before going into a competition.

And yet, with presenting and speaking in public, we often deliver without so much as muttering our story out loud beforehand. Practice helps consolidate points and the language you use. It brings confidence and fluency. Rehearsing alone is super useful but even better if you can do it with someone else. So next time, grab a colleague or friend and have a few run-throughs.

So there you have it. 3 Top Tips that will stand the test of time and change. 

And remember, if you want to BOOST YOUR COMMUNICATION SIGN UP NOW for my live FREE TRAINING on 20 May at 16.00 CET.

Until next time… Be seen, be heard, be understood.


keep in touch

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Amsterdam, The Netherlands